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 Karuna Reiki® Master class

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A truly magical and deeply healing class! The Karuna Reiki® Master class is a Master level class for anyone who has already completed a Reiki Master training class and is ready to deepen their Reiki practice and experience deep healing. If you do not like using symbols in your practice then this class is not recommended for you since 9 symbols are introduced. 

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism meaning "to diminish the suffering of others" or "compassionate action." 

Karuna Reiki® provide deep healing and opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.



  1. Completion of Reiki Master training from any Reiki lineage at least 6 months prior to class. Please contact me before enrolling if you have taken an online/virtual course for your Reiki 1-Master certification so that I can verify whether you have the correct foundation of information before continuing your studies. 

  2. The completion of at least 72 hands on Reiki sessions (45 min each) on clients, friends or family.


Tuition: $888. The $111 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is applied to the $888 fee. The remaining balance of $777 is due 1 month prior to class. 


Cancellation Policy: If you need to withdraw from class and/or transfer to another class date, we require a minimum of 21 day advance notice in order to receive a refund or to transfer the paid balance to another class. The $111 deposit in non-refundable and non-transferable.

High level overview:

  • This is both a practitioner and master class. That's right, this means that you will be able to practice as a Karuna Reiki Master and can take on students to teach the Karuna Reiki Master class if you would like.

  • ​The master Ignitions/Attunements both initiate the student as a Karuna Master with the ability to teach and give Ignitions and attunes the student to each of the 9 practitioner symbols for use in sessions.

  • Each student will receive powerful energy upgrades

  • Participants will learn and practice 9 symbols, the Holy Fire® symbol & 8 Powerful Karuna Reiki® symbols 

  • Students will learn and practice Chanting and Toning techniques to break up dense energy and heal on all levels

  • Participants will deepen their connection with guides and angels


Day 1 Agenda

  • Review Soul, Spirit & the 12 Heavens 

  • Review upgraded Holy Fire® III Karuna energy & origin

  • Learn about Holy Fire® III Experiences, Placements and Ignitions

  • Review how the Placement process will replace the  attunement process going forward when teaching Reiki classes

  • Review the 4 Ignitions given in the Holy Fire® III Karuna class

  • Review and discuss the 9 Holy Fire® III Karuna symbols 

    • Holy Fire​

    • Zonar

    • Halu

    • Harth

    • Rama

    • Gnosa

    • Iava

    • Shanti

    • Kriya

  • Discuss the concepts of the Authentic Self, the Culturally Created Self and the Dormant Self.

  • Participate in the Healing in the River of Life experience

  • Review a brief history of Reiki, Holy Fire III & Karuna Reiki

  • Learn how to leverage spiritual guidance with Holy Fire® III by working with the Brothers & Sisters of Light, Ascended Masters, Angels & Guides of the Highest Heaven.

  • Practice using the Holy Fire® and the first 4 Karuna I symbols 

    • Zonar​

    • Halu

    • Harth

    • Rama


Day 2 Agenda

  • Review Placement and Ignition process when teaching Holy Fire® classes including I and II, Usui/Holy Fire® Master and Karuna.

  • Review class outlines and teaching tools for all Reiki levels (1, 2, 3, Master & Karuna)

  • Practice Holy Fire® and the next 4 Karuna II symbols

    • Holy Fire​

    • Gnosa

    • Iava

    • Shanti

    • Kriya

  • Review & practice Chanting & Toning using the Holy Fire® & Karuna symbols

  • Review how to release negative spirits and how to conduct the Healing Spirit Attachment process.

  • Practice using all 9 Holy Fire® & Karuna symbols in a session

Pre-requisites: Completion of Reiki Master training from any Reiki lineage at least 6 months prior to class. Please contact me before enrolling if you have taken an online/virtual course for your Reiki 1-Master certification so that I can verify whether you have the correct foundation of information before continuing your studies. 


About the facilitator: 

Rachel has over 25 years experience teaching. She is trained in adult learning theory and customizes class to include exercises for all learning methods (i.e. Visual, Auditory & Kinesthetic.) The classes are engaging and appeal to all learning styles. 


💗🪽 Total Investment: $888. The $111 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is applied to the $888 fee. The $777 balance is due 1 month prior to class. 💗🪽


Cancellation Policy: If you need to withdraw from class and/or transfer to another class date, we require a minimum of 21 day advance notice in order to receive a refund or to transfer the paid balance to another class. The $111 deposit in non-refundable and non-transferable.


Registration: Please contact us to request this class.


Embrace the Compassionate Energy of Karuna Reiki® Therapy for Holistic Healing and Personal Growth Learn more


The advantages of Karuna Reiki Learn more


What other classes do you offer? Learn more


Check out this Meditation on the Stellar Gateway Chakra: Watch/Listen


Check out this Meditation on the Causal Chakra: Watch/Listen


Check out this Meditation on building an Aura of Protection: Watch/Listen


Questions: Contact Us

Student Testimonials


"The Karuna® Reiki Master class took me to a deeper level than I expected. Learning from the teachings written, the teacher's experiences, my classmate's experiences and my own soulful awakening have all inspired me to teach my first class. I have already had a distance healing opportunity and my calendar started filling up today with appointments. Taking this step of faith in my awakening has proven itself and I know Rachel was designed to be my teacher! Thank you, thank you, thank you! With Love and Compassion,"-Vcikie


"Hi Rachel, thank you for presenting such a fabulous Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master class. For me, it was very profound. Words can't describe the internal changes I have felt. I truly feel this is a continuation of my journey . I will continue my journey with a full heart and compassion. I will live in my truth. And I will spread love. Thank you," -Judy


"An Amazing and Powerful Class! I had received attunement from another reiki master who taught riyoho- I found the Reiki 1 class offered at Divine Spark to be much more informative in terms of practical techniques to begin to better understand and work with energy and giving reiki".-Maya 


"I feel like I'm vibrating on a new frequency after taking the Reiki 2 class!I feel empowered.My body is so happy. I feel lighter and my stamina is no joke. I'm excited to practice on people. It was a truly magickal and very special class."-Sol


"Class was wonderful! I have been attending different types of certifications for years. It's something I really enjoy doing. I can honestly say this Reiki course was my absolute favorite! The learning and experiencing Reiki on its own was amazing but with you as the instructor and the other awesome class participants made this class a wonderful experience! Thank you so much! Namaste,"



Karuna Holy Fire Master Class: I didn’t know what to expect; however, the class was everything that I needed it to be. I enjoyed the visual, repetition, and practice exercises we were able to experience during both days. The topics eased into each other and nothing was missed or rushed, I felt. As an instructor, you were thorough, organized and spent time correcting our learning and techniques that will only help each of us grow. Well done. I honestly can’t think of any constructive feedback for improvement.  Meg

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