5 Tips for Setting Boundaries
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5 Tips for Setting Boundaries

Are you a giver? Do you have a kind nature about you? Do people know that you will do anything to help another? Hey, being a giving person is awesome. In fact, the world would benefit from having more people like you. However, it's important to make sure you're good nature isn't' being taken advantage of, burning you out, or preventing you from living a full life. Remember the quote by Rachel Wolchin:

"Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do."

~Rachel Wolchin

It's okay to say no! Yes that's right. Setting healthy boundaries is an important aspect of self-care and can greatly improve the quality of overall life. Boundaries are the limits you set for yourself and others to define what behaviors and actions are acceptable and what is not. Here is why setting healthy boundaries is important and how to set them effectively:

1. Protect your time, energy, and well-being: Healthy boundaries help you protect your time, energy, and well-being. By setting limits on what you will and will not tolerate, you can prevent others from taking advantage of you or draining your energy.

2. Maintain control over your life: Setting healthy boundaries allows you to maintain control over your life and take charge of your own happiness. By setting clear limits and speaking up when others cross them, you are taking an active role in determining what happens in your life.

3. Improve relationships: Healthy boundaries can greatly improve your relationships. When you set clear limits, others know what you expect and what is expected of them. This can help reduce misunderstandings and conflicts, leading to stronger and more meaningful relationships.

4. Boost self-esteem: Setting healthy boundaries can also help boost your self-esteem. By standing up for yourself and taking control of your life, you are sending a message to yourself and others that you are confident, assertive, and in control.

Here are some steps to help you set healthy boundaries:

1. Identify what you need: Take some time to reflect on what is most important to you and what you need in order to feel respected and fulfilled.

"I just need to vent or someone to listen"(I don't need problem solving or feedback)

2. Communicate your boundaries: Clearly and assertively communicate your boundaries to others. Be specific about what you will and will not tolerate and be prepared to stand by your decisions.

"I can tell you're upset, I'm more than happy to help if you can you lower your voice."

3. Be consistent: Consistency is key to establishing healthy boundaries. Make sure you consistently enforce your boundaries and take action if they are crossed.

4. Be kind but firm: When setting boundaries, it is important to be kind but firm. Be respectful of others while also being clear and confident in your communication.

5. Be open to feedback: Be open to feedback and be willing to listen to the perspectives of others. This can help you understand how your boundaries may impact others and can help you make adjustments as needed. However, sometimes people won't like it when you start to enforce boundaries. In fact, they may push back or get angry or frustrated. That's okay, once you maintain your boundaries and reinforce them over time, they will learn how to interreact with the "new you." And if not, that's when it may be time to make a deeper decision about the relationship to protect yourself, your time and your energy. Sometimes we have to love others from a distance.

My favorite techniques for managing your time and energy:

If someone asks something of you that you don't have the time or energy for or you just simply aren't interested in participating in try saying:

"Thank you for thinking of me."

"I'm not able to help with that or I'm not interested or I've decided to spend time with my family that weekend etc..."

I love starting with Thank you for thinking of me to soften the "no" but sometimes it's not firm enough for some personality types. So this next response is the clearest.

No, is a complete sentence. That's right, sometimes it's more empowering to simply respond with a no. It's direct, simple and to the point. Of course, be loving in your tone and energy. "No" can't misinterpreted and it's hard to challenge.

It might be difficult to start setting boundaries initially, especially if you haven't in the past. However, over time it will become easier and as a result you will also feel more confident and empowered.

In conclusion, setting healthy boundaries is an essential aspect of self-care and can greatly improve the quality of your relationships and overall life. By taking control of your life and communicating your limits, you can protect your time, energy, and well-being and build stronger, more meaningful relationships. People will know what is ok and what is not ok when interacting with you. Let people know how you would like to be treated.

With love and gratitude.


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Tips for setting boundaries

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